REAL CLASS/[라이브]Lv1.스피킹 문법 빌드업

(리얼클래스 학습일기)[Lv1_11강]과거형 의문문 말하기 : be동사

kkogggokk_E 2023. 10. 11. 16:28

🏋️‍♀️ 워밍업

🔹be동사 과거형


🔹 누구 / 무엇 : be동사 + 주어 + 명사 

Were you a teacher ther? 너 거기 선생님이었어?
Was he a nurse? 그는 간호사였어?
Was she a night person? 그녀는 저녁형 인간이었어?


🔹 어디 : be동사 + 주어 + 전치사 

Were they at the party? 그들 파티에 있었어?
Was it on the table? 식탁 위에 있었어?
Were you with Tina last night? 너 어젯밤에 티나랑 같이 있었어?


🔹 어떤 상태 : be동사 + 주어 + 형용사 

Was it cold yesterday? 어제 추웠어?
Was it fun? 재밌었어?
Was he angry? 그는 화가 났었어?


🔹 예문

Were you a teacher there? 너 거기서 선생님이었어?
Were they at the party? 그들이 파티에 있었어?
Was it cold yesterday? 어제 추웠어?


🎉 라이브

0️⃣ last homework

상황 : 서로 아는 관계가 신기한 상황 (mutual friends)

How do you know him?
그를 어떻게 알아요?
He was my classmate. 
How do you know him?
같은 반 친구였어요.
그를 어떻게 아세요?
I'm his older sister. 제가 걔 누나에요.
Wow! It's a small world.  와우! 세상 참 좁네요. 


1️⃣ Quiz1. 그녀는 저녁형 인간이었어?

Was she a night person? 그녀는 저녁형 인간이었어?
Was she a morning person? 그녀는 아침형 인간이었어? 
Was she a teacher there?  그녀는 거기 선생님이었어?
Yes,She was a teacher there. 
Yes,She was.
응, 거기 선생님이었어. 
No,She wasn't a teacher there. 
No,She wasn't.
아니, 거기 선생님 아니었어.


2️⃣ Quiz2. 너 어젯밤에 티나랑 같이 있었어?

Were you with Tina last night?
너 어젯밤에 티나랑 같이 있었어?
Were you with James yesterday? 너 어제 제임스랑 같이 있었어?
Yes,I was with James yesterday. 
Yes,I was
응, 같이 있었어.
No,I wans't with James yesterday. 
No,I wans't
아니, 같이 안 있었어. 
Were you with _____ yesterday?  너 어제 _____랑 같이 있었어?
Were you always / this boring 너 항상 이렇게 재미없는 사람이었니?
너 항상 이렇게 지루한 사람이었니? 


3️⃣ Quiz3.어제 추웠어?

Was it cold yesterday?
어제 추웠어?
Was it hot yesterday? 어제 더웠어요?
Yes,It was really hot.  네, 어제 정말 더웠어요. 
No,it was sunny and warm.  아니오, 화창하고 따뜻했어요. 


4️⃣ Quiz4.식탁 위에 있었어?

Was it on the table? 식탁 위에 있었어?
Hey, I found my tumbler! 
Great! Was it on the table? 
Yes,it was
내 텀블러 찾았어. 
좋다! 식탁위에 있었어?
응, 위에 있었어. 


🗣️ Dialogue 

상황 : 가방에서 핸드폰 찾음

Hey, I found my phone! 내 폰 찾았어!
Great! Was it on the chair? 좋다! 의자 위에 있었어?
No,it wasn't
It was in my bag. 
아니, 의자 위에 없었어.
내 가방 안에 있었어


🔹 예문

Was she a teacher there? 그녀는 거기 선생님이었어?
Was it on the table? 식탁 위에 있었어?
It was sunny and warm.  화창하고 따뜻했어요.


✏️ 테스트

Were you with Tina last night? 너 지난밤에 티나랑 있었니?
Were you with James yesterday? 너 어제 제임스랑 있었니?
Were you always this boring? 너 항상 이렇게 지루했니?
Was your tumbler on the table? 네 텀블러 식탁위에 있었니?
Was she a night person? 그녀가 저녁형 인간이었어?



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